The Wiener Philharmonic

The official blog for sketch comedy group the Wiener Philharmonic, aka "the Wieners" aka "Wiens" aka "your nuts" aka "you're nuts." Come see us perform!

Monday, March 21, 2005

What is that Swan doing to that conch?

So I am basically panting right now from SPRINTING back to the blog SO excitedly with armfuls of the most AMAZING Animal Trivia. Presidential Trivia this morning was pretty good, but the fact that James Buchanan was our only bachelor president is FAR less scintillating than the fact that literally all pet hamsters are descended from a single female wild golden hamster found with a litter of 12 young in Syria in 1930.


A father Emperor penguin withstands the Antarctic cold for 60 days or more to protect his eggs, which he keeps on his feet, covered with a feathered flap.

A rat can last longer without water than a camel can.

All clams start out as males; some decide to become females at some point in their lives.

An albatross can sleep while it flies. It dozes while cruising at 25 mph.

At the end of the Beatles' song "A Day in the Life", an ultrasonic whistle, audible only to dogs, was recorded by Paul McCartney for his Shetland sheepdog.

Camel milk does not curdle.

Infant beavers are called kittens.

Macaroni, Gentoo, Chinstrap and Emperor are types of penguins.

Mockingbirds can imitate any sound from a squeaking door to a cat meowing.

Owls have eyeballs that are tubular in shape, because of this, they cannot move their eyes.

Sharks are the only animals that never get sick. As far as is known, they are immune to every known disease including cancer.

Swans are the only birds with penises.

The hummingbird, the loon, the swift, the kingfisher, and the grebe are all birds that cannot walk.

The poison-arrow frog has enough poison to kill about 2,200 people.

Make that 2,201.


Jules hearts trivia!


At 2:49 PM, Blogger wienerphilharmonic said...



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