The Wiener Philharmonic

The official blog for sketch comedy group the Wiener Philharmonic, aka "the Wieners" aka "Wiens" aka "your nuts" aka "you're nuts." Come see us perform!

Tuesday, February 08, 2005


so since I sit at my desk all day at the office, if I don't work out I get terrible backpains, (which is gross cause its like an old nasty lady who files for disability cause her ass is too heavy to drag further than the stairwell for a smoke). My doctors told me, perhaps wrongly, that I was not allowed to work out for the past month and a half, because I am dangerously underweight.

"NO!" they said! "You hover over a fragile precipice of death, Jules. ONE CASHEW uneaten, ONE SNICKER unconsumed and you will fall flag dead on your face."

But now I have decided to throw caution to the wind and work out again. WHICH brings me to my fucking point, since it's PROBABLY NIGHTTIME NOON aka MIDNIGHT already:

as I was swimming (alone, obvies) at Crunch next to my office, the lifeguard stuck a HUGE HOSE

pumping concentrated chlorine into the pool. it was sooo concentrated. one time I left my swimcap in a plastic bag with my unrinsed swimsuit and the chlorine ate the cap. I mean, this is powerful stuff. and it started to make my skin burn. And I know this guy is also a swim instructor so in my head I thought he was trying to kill me for my poor form. I mean, I genuinely believed I was being murdered. THATS HOW HIGH I WAS. I thought I was actively being murdered in a chemical bath.

WHICH, no doubt, I could have turned into a SICK AWESOME life.


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