that apology is not just for my old cantor (who trained me to sing a haftorah about harvesting wheat as though it was the opening number to a sad, sad musical about harvesting wheat).
i'm sorry to you mom and dad, bubbi, tante bertha, uncle lester, the feldmans, the feldbaums, etc.
last night, i engaged in something that will make your latke-laden bellies turn. i not only chipped-in for, but also spent hours decorating, my very first christmas tree.
being the one jew in a four-person apartment of catholixxx, i took a hint from anne frank and made my heritage scarce. now i have a warm, pleasant disposition, and jauntiness in my step, despite all the tay-sachs coursing through my etrog-for-a-brain.
please forgive me, and of course, DON'T BE TOO JEALOUS, SUCKAZ!
gavriel ben iohn v'iulie
No need to apologize, mein shayna kind. To paraphrase Joyce Kilmer, architect of the service area between Exits 8 and 9 on the New Jersey Turnpike: "Jews are made by fools like me. But only God can make a tree."